That's not to say it wasn't interesting to tour the rooms, but nothing felt natural. All the rooms felt a bit too sparse and staged for my liking. Though the King's library was (of course!) delightful.
Since I walked to the Palace and back, I stopped off at St. Andrew's Cathedral and got my picture taken. Usually I don't like posting photographs of myself online, but I can't resist this time, because it's just too cool. Remember this scene from "The Constant"? (Or, well, not this exact scene perhaps, but the whole Desmond-meeting-Faraday-in-1996 deal. The student is unimportant. This just happens to be the best pic of the background I could find):

Well check this out:
Except the little Physics Dept. placard is mysteriously missing and the lighting is a lot poorer, but, you know. I've been suspecting the episode filmed at this cathedral for a while now, so I decided to check it out, and I managed to find the spot. Which, since "The Constant" is absolutely my favorite episode of the show ever (although "Ab Aeterno" is awful close now), is a big deal, haha.
I double-checked online later, and apparently this church is used for basically every single 'old building/church in England' scene in the show. So Charlie came here to confess, Eko came here, and Desmond meeting Penny for the first time? Happened right here, peeps. The cathedral was built by a Hawaiian queen, using stone imported from England and built after the design of a British cathedral, so it really is a nice place.
It was a pretty fair day. But then I woke up yesterday with a full-fledged head-congesting, hacking-cough, sneezing cold attacking me, and Spring Break has kind of gone downhill from there. I'd been having a little bit of throat trouble all week, but at least the cold waited to hit me until after I had done my sightseeing.
Of course, that means that I now have to study for two midterms and write four papers while battling a horrific head-cold, but whatever. I'll manage somehow.
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