Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Break Day 8: David Tennant

I have discovered where I can enjoy said actor in two very, very different roles made similar only in that they are both brilliantly done.

First: Hamlet!

I've been wanting to watch this performance ever since I heard it was being staged in England, but of course being separated from England by a continent and two oceans, it was impossible to see unless it were put on dvd. And, huzzah, it finally has been. And some kind soul put it on Youtube. This part I embed isn't the first scene, but . . . it's riveting. I have not yet finished watching the entire play, but I am speeding through it, and enjoying it very, very much. Although I normally don't like it when Shakespearean plays are dressed up in modern clothes and all, I'm absolutely sold on this performance. That is some seriously incredible acting from Mr. Tennant. And some incredibly bad hair. I'm sorry, I just prefer it fluffy XD
*EDIT* His hair improves as the play goes on. Just thought I'd add that, ha. Not that it matters or anything.

Second: Dangerous Beans!

One of the books in contention for being named my Book of the Month for March is "The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents", by Terry Pratchett. Just today I discovered that the BBC had made a radio play of the novel, and since I love the Beeb's radio plays (I proudly own their version of "The Lord of the Rings", it's fantastic), I managed to hunt it down. Imagine my delight and surprise when I found out that Tennant is one of the voice actors. Even better? He plays one of my favorite characters from the novel, Dangerous Beans (hahaha!) the rat! I didn't even recognize his voice at first. He somehow changes it for the role--it's very soft and cute. If you haven't read the novel yet, I strongly recommend you do, but I also recommend this production. It's available for both listening to and downloading here:, under the '2004' heading.

So that's how I've spent my most recent day of being sick (apart from writing a paper and studying Nutrition): With Shakespeare's famous tragic and maybe-mad Prince of Denmark, and an idealistic, mostly-blind albino rat called Dangerous Beans. Good gracious, the Tenth Doctor is versatile. If he is chosen to play Bilbo Baggins, I will not protest the choice.

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