Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Day In My Life, March 17.

(Firstly, my apologies for posting this a day late. This is the last week before spring break, so it's rather hectic. And now on with the show!)

After waking up at 6:20 in the morning, I was surprised--when I was alert to register any sort of emotion at all--to discover that I felt much more tired than usual. Is my 'I sleep only four hours a night and still ace my exams' study routine finally wearing me down? Or perhaps my subconscious realizes that Spring Break is only a few short days away and has decided to go on holiday early. Whatever the reason, it made getting ready for school a bit harder than it usually is. Considering I'm naturally scatterbrained even at the best of times, it's remarkable I was able to remember all my books and my ID card. Less remarkable perhaps is the fact that I remembered to wear green and blue. As an Irish Dancer, St. Patrick's Day is like a second Christmas, so I flung on my dark green blouse with the green ruffles at sleeve and throat, and my green knit cardigan. I also wore dark blue jeans, because my dance teacher always insists that the true color of St. Patrick is blue (and I recently found historical proof for that, too!), and then green shoes.

Once at school I did a little half-hearted Russian studying and then some much more enthusiastic poetry reading before my English class began. I spoke to the professor about the possibility of me joining the English Honors program on campus, and he seemed enthusiastic about the prospect, so that's exciting. I'm already in the Honors program, but to be in the special English division would be like icing on the cake. Russian class was unremarkable, and then I managed to stay awake for the entirety of Nutrition class, which is a feat worth mentioning. Not that the class is boring--far from it, it's the first science class that I have heartily enjoyed, and I mean really enjoyed. To my own surprise I find learning about human nutrition fascinating. But for some reason I don't really understand I find it hard to stay awake for the last ten minutes of class. It's frustrating. Lecture halls, no matter how interesting the subject being lectured upon, just do that to me.

Once out of Nutrition class, I had to dash across campus to make it to work on time. I worked for forty-five minutes, then dashed across campus again to get to my art class on time. Art is going well for me, and I discovered that I got an A on my second portfolio, which is gratifying--although apparently I could have been an A+. The instructor docked me a couple points on minor things I could have easily corrected and weren't related directly to the merit of the art itself. Frustrating? Yes, but I didn't feel the need to complain, because I understand her point, and now I can fix the problem. I like constructive criticism, but the just-out-of-reach A+ is still a bit maddening!

Once art class was over (an excruciating 3 hours of perspective line drawings, ugh!) I finally had a little bit of time to myself. I therefore managed to finish "The Caves of Steel", which marks a long overdue return to the writings of Isaac Asimov for me, and was pleased though not surprised to find that the book was very good. After finishing the book, I was just in time to attend the Honors Program St. Patrick's Day Root Beer Float Social at my school, which was very enjoyable as I was surprised by a goodly amount of my friends also attending *waves at them* And root beer floats are always good things in my book anyway.

After staying at the social half an hour longer than was scheduled, I left for the apartment, and upon getting there I finished knitting the second wall of my TARDIS, watched this season finale for Psych on Hulu (fun stuff!), and then read the first few chapters of "Frontier Wolf", by Rosemary Sutcliff. Then, exhausted, I finally went to sleep at about midnight, knowing that in six hours I'd have to wake up all over again.

All in all, a typical school day, but with more reading than usual. I've been making conscious effort to read as many new books as I can this year without causing my grades to suffer; fortunately I seem to be keeping in a good balance so far and it's working out great.

So that's my seventeenth of March in a nutshell; I'll catch up again on the seventeenth of April!!!

. . . Unless I forget. Or get lazy. It could happen.

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