Saturday, March 13, 2010

9 Weeks

Yes, Nine weeks of this semester have been successfully survived, so now I'm over halfway to Summer Break! What a pleasant thought. It helps keep me cheerful in the face of next week, which promises to contain two important homework assignments, three essays, three midterm exams, and a Russian quiz. Ai.

I'm currently sitting in my room, which is swamped in library books. And when I say 'swamped', I mean that in the quite literal sense that a person could be in danger of sinking beneath them and remaining trapped forever. I have six books from the state library, and over a dozen from my school library, along with nearly twenty books that my father bought me for my birthday. I do love having stacks of unread books around the place; life seems so much brighter for them.

Nothing much of import happened last week, aside from the SyFy channel decided to air "The Prestige" and "Sunshine" back to back, late at night when I was supposed to be doing homework. I managed to finish the homework after all, but ended up staying awake ridiculously late, and what with having to wake up at 6 AM every school day . . . well, I finally managed to catch up on my sleep today by sleeping until half-past noon. And I'm still tired. But I got to watch "The Prestige" and "Sunshine" back to back, so I don't mind.

I also purchased my first "Doctor Who" dvd, thanks to "Tombs of the Cybermen" being on sale at Barnes and Noble! And the complete "Firefly" series, because a fundraiser at my school was selling it for only twelve dollars. That's some birthday money spent well, I think.

Now I am going to spend my weekend studying Russian in preparation for the aforementioned quiz and for the Russian midterm that's waiting for me like a ravening dragon on Friday. Oh dear. I should also clean my room and organize that swamp of books, and also turn my energy back to thrashing this horrific writers' block I've been laboring under for the past few months. I've tried writing so many things, and nothing is working. Unbelievably frustrating. I've been reading a lot, but it isn't helping. Oh well--This too shall pass, right?


  1. I love Firefly! And the Prestige - never seen Sunshine. I'm still reading the Prestige book, and I like it a lot, but it's very confusing trying to figure out how he's going to tie all of it together after seeing the movie.

  2. I never used to like Scifi stuff . . . and then about six years ago or so all that changed and now I love it. Sunshine's one of my favorite scifi films, but even if you don't watch it, listen to the soundtrack. It's so beautiful.


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