Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Can't think of a title right now, honestly . . .

Tonight's "Lost" episode wasn't bad at all, but I'll only really like it if it turns out Desmond is on the sub (behind the mysterious locked door? Yes? Please?). And I like Charlotte and her cute-awkward romance with Faraday too much for her to get dumped off on Sawyer, grr. Other than that, it was entertaining, but ultimately not my fave. Why? Because it's just an obstacle between me and next week's episode! Yeah, the episode I've been waiting for since forever! Whee! And it'll be Spring Break! Double-amazingness!

I completed the first of my two midterms this week, and I think it went very well. I also am almost finished with "The Caves of Steel" already, which shows you how good it is. Or how bored I am. I don't know. No, wait, I do know--it's very good. I spent two hours or so this evening squinting in the fading sunlight and frantically trying to draw a perspective drawing of the hallway outside the apartment for tomorrow's art class before the sun gave up on me and left me in the dark. I managed it, barely. My eyes still hurt.

I'm seriously worried about my 'Book of the Month' deal this month. I've read so many good books, I don't know which one should merit the top spot. And that's unusual for me, usually the really good ones are few and far between. I guess March is my lucky month, which is only fair, since it's my birth month.

I'm finally starting to break through my writer's block, too. And it feels absolutely wonderful. Like relearning how to breathe. Slowly but surely, I'm getting there.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this episode - Sawyer is in my top five Lost characters. But I'm excited about next week! Richard Alpert is becoming a new favorite. :)

    You could recommend several books instead of just one for this month...:D


Penny for your thoughts?