Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Good and the Bad About Being Sick

The Bad:

1. Losing your voice
2. Sleeping far more than you usually do
3. Sneezing and coughing far more than you usually do
4. Trying to study for Nutrition and Russian midterms, as well as write two essays, while feeling like your head is stuffed with tissue
5. Sore throats are no fun
6. That newly cleaned room? Yeah, it isn't clean any more.

The Good:

1. The strange sounds your voice makes as it dies are rather amusing
2. Sleeping far more than you usually do
3. Drinking five cups of tea a day. Of course, since I'm still poorly, this proves once and for all that I'm not a Time Lady, but it's nice anyway
4. Re-watching "Ab Aeterno" five times
5. Finally getting a few good ideas for new short stories
6. Primeval and Doctor Who, with a few library books thrown in


  1. This is so funny. I too am suffering form a sore throat, and I've watched about three more episodes of Primeval than I meant to today. And, when I dare to speak, I have been enjoying my awkward voice and it's funny pitches as well.

  2. Haha, I saw on your blog that your cold is improving today. Which is funny, as mine is too. I wonder if this is a global phenomenon!

    And "Primeval" made sickness almost bearable!

  3. hehe.

    Yeah, Primeval did make me feel better...especially when it made me laugh. And it did make me laugh. :D


Penny for your thoughts?