Tuesday, March 2, 2010

National Doodle Day, Doctor!

I love the Fifth Doctor (my fave, along with Ten and Two), and so literally squealed when I saw these--Peter Davison's doodles for National Doodle Day!

YES! The Doctor drew the Doctor, and it's ADORABLE!! Eeee! Check out the celery! And the brainy specs!! :D

I want to watch "Caves" now. Or "Enlightenment".


  1. That's so cool! Can't wait for Friday! I may have to write myself a note so I don't forget...and I *really* need to watch me some Fifth Doctor. I haven't yet.

  2. Yeah, you should! The production values during his era aren't always the greatest, but most of the stories are very entertaining, and I just have this irrational love for Doctor 5, haha. You should check out Second Doctor eps too, even though so many of them exist only in audio form now (travesty!!!); Jamie McCrimmon is my absolute favorite companion ever, although perhaps he's tied with Sarah Jane, Harry, and Donna.


Penny for your thoughts?