Monday, March 15, 2010

The Ides of March!

I only realized that today is the Ides of March just now, with a bare few hours of the day left, and so feel like I missed out on something big and important. On the more positive side of things, however, I returned five library books to the public library today--and then of course borrowed seven more. I'm like a kid in a candy store when I'm around free books. I can't help but grab and gollop more than I can chew.

Anyway, I now have "The Key to Rondo", by Emily Rodda; "Fall of a Kingdom", by Hilari Bell; "High Wizardry", by Diane Duane; "Foundation", by Isaac Asimov; "Never After", by Rebecca Lickiss (what an unfortunate last name); "The Caves of Steel", by Isaac Asimov; and "The Elf Queen of Shannara", by Terry Brooks, all stacked in a neat column by the head of my sleeping bag. And I don't even particularly like the Shannara books. That's how far gone I am. Like a book zombie, my brain just goes dead and ravenous.

I've started "The Caves of Steel" and it's excellent thus far. I've been keeping a book database this year--one of my Resolutions for 2010--and after less than three months into the year I've read twenty-five new books! That's quite a good start to the year, I think!

Tomorrow I have a quiz and a midterm and art homework to do. Then Friday is a Russian quiz, but thankfully my midterm has been pushed back two weeks, and I also have an English midterm. And then it'll be spring break, and I'll be able to breathe again.

Today I also had great fun spending time with Nikolai again, which was great. We watched "The Pink Panther", the original, for the first time. It was . . . convoluted, to say the least, pretty much the thickest farce you can imagine, but was pretty funny all the same.

All-in-all, Caesar might have had cause to fear the Ides of March, but they were pretty good to me.

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