Monday, September 29, 2008


Well, when I wasn't being incredibly dense in a bookshop this weekend, I was cleaning the kitchen.

And when I wasn't cleaning the kitchen, I was drawing--this!
I am so ridiculously proud of this picture, I won't even start talking about it. Except to say that it looks much better in person, because a lot of the shading looks a bit bland in this photo. Oh, well. This is the first scrap of art I've been able to do since coming here, because all my drawing paper was left at home. But I finally have a sketch book again. And it's much bigger than I'm used to--about twice the size of my old 8 1/2" x 11" book--so this was a challenge, drawing something to fill the page. But it worked. I love it :D

For those of you who are privy to my secret novel, this is Teirle, when he was younger. Thank you very much to Lathspell for sending me an inspiring photo.

1 comment:

  1. I want to read.

    Anyways, on the the foto. It's lovely, and I wish I could see the original drawing. I, alas, cannot draw. (But I can play piano half-way decently!) Congrats on getting a new pad! I love getting new notation sheets... so I'm imagining that a new pad is something similar. :P
    Oh, and send my greetings to Lathspell, as I haven't talked to him in forever.


Penny for your thoughts?