Friday, September 5, 2008

Ramble. . . ramble . . . ramble . . .

Well, I'm not bored anymore. Homework kinda kills the boredom.

I am particularly happy right now because I discovered a place on campus which is basically a common drop-off site where all students can dump the things they don't want, and where scroungers like myself can go and find some worthwhile things. I found an old beat-up book of Arthurian tales. Granted, there's nothing quite as good as Once and Future King or the original Malory, but as I left both of those at home (dratted luggage weight limits!) I'm delighted to have some version of the stories for free now. It'll tide me over until I go to the bookstore and have spending money to use getting some books. I desperately want Les Miserables and the Once and Future King.

Speaking of Les Miserables, has anyone here seen the musical? I have the soundtrack, and listen to it literally whenever I have my iPod on. I listen while doing homework, while exercising, etc. Gorgeous music/songs/voices. I also listen to soundtracks, though.

Kat, I am going to buy some Poets songs just as soon as I get access to iTunes. Can't wait.

Hum, anything else? . . . I was going to talk about how much fun I had while speaking on the phone yesterday with the amazing Lady Linden, but she beat me to it. I'm not a very efficient blogger. Um, well, to make a long story short, I was doing philosophy homework and then got a lovely surprise phonecall and spent about an hour chatting with the Maid of the North. And yeah, I NEVER talk about politics--But it was fun, Laura!

Well, it rained slightly today, but there was only one rainbow that I saw. I was inside most of the time, doing homework/attending classes. My Russian class is very awesome.

I also had lunch with my grandma and a friend, and spent the morning borrowing pens from various acquaintences because I had forgotten mine >.<

Oh, and while I was walking on the sidewalk I came across a dead cockroach as long as my forefinger, with its legs all curled up they way bugs generally look when they're dead. But this one got me wondering: When cockroaches know they're dying, do they fold their limbs in prayer?

. . . Yes, I'm sleep-deprived. How could you tell? ;)


  1. Oooh, I love the way you described all the different things you've done, yesterday and today!
    Les Miserables is wonderful, isn't it? I really ought to reread that book, it's been a while. I must get that on my iPod soonishly, now I know what to do with my gift-card.
    As for bugs, I've never thought about that before... it's rather interesting - like the ending of Dr Faustus in a way. Praying at the very end for grace after a despicable life. (I've never been very fond of bugs)
    I hope homework goes well and quickly for you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Heh. For a moment there, I knew exactly what an amnesiac must feel like when they hear their own name (very, very odd, in case you were interested). See, and I'm 99% sure you didn't know this, I had (technically still have as I haven't made any actions towards deleting it from the blogosphere) a blog called "The Maid of the North Speaks" that I kept for a short while after I moved to Arizona. And when you called Linden the Maid of the North, I was like...Wait--I think that's my name. I had to go back and check. Then I figured out that you were referring to Linden and her spacial location. Threw me for a moment. I have got to use this experience in a story. *cough*

    Moving on, Russian sounds interesting (my dad took it in high school). Are you taking any other languages? Why Russian? I'm tempted to take some out-of-the-way language when I hit univerity. (The only choices here are Spanish and French. =P)

    As to the bugs, I think I'll have to politely disagree with Laura and say that I feel it to be more of a Kafkaesque (does that have a hyphen in there? I'm not sure...) notion.

  4. Heh heh, no actually I knew! But if you look at Laura's Profile . . . I think a little name-stealing has been going on ;)

    That's pretty funny, though. It's like in Peter Pan, where Hook's confused about who he is because Peter says HE'S Hook.

    And I'm posting a two-part answer to your 'Why Russian' question. Enjoy!

    Laura: Les Miserables was actually the first thing I put on my iPod. I love that musical so much. And the book's even better!


Penny for your thoughts?