Thursday, September 25, 2008

Before You Go . . .

In honor of Laura's upcoming plane flights around the nation on her quest for the perfect college, here's a video that every person about to go on a plane ought to see. I discovered it two days before my trip to Hawaii. Oddly, it didn't help my plane-phobia much . . .


  1. I've never been frightened of flying before. In fact, I like it. Travelling is probably on my list of favourite things to do.
    But now... now you've scared me! I'm going to be petrified when I leave. Tell you what, I'll go talk to the pilot and see if it's Monty Python and tell him no funny business because I know what he is up to.
    I thought I was going to bust when they got the guy going to the WC... I can just imagine someone doing that. Luckily, I know the guy who'll probably be flying the plane from here to Anchorage. (I can threaten him too!)
    Anyways, thanks for this brilliant post, it was much needed. Now to get myself prepared for the trip... (Leaving on November 3rd, I believe.)


  2. *snickers* That'll keep the passengers from ever being able to trust their pilots ever be redundant: "The wing is not on fire." Hehehe.


Penny for your thoughts?