Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rain, rain . . .

Today I stepped outside at about seven o'clock to head to classes, and was greeted by a clear, high rainbow, which arced seemingly from the mountains all the way to somewhere in the city. I was entranced. I've never seen such a large, beautiful rainbow.

And then, when I left one building later this morning to get to another for class--rain! Pouring down. My grandmother made me use an umbrella, which is practical I guess because it protected my books from the wet. But oh, how lovely that rain was! It felt like the rain in Lorien, gentle and soft and clean. And the light is so bright, here, that it sheeted like a curtain of silver beads, all distinct and glittering in the air before the drops hit the pavement. And the pavement itself shone like white gold.

It smelled good, too, a sweet, rich rainforesty smell. Green and alive.

Good thing I have my grandmother watching out for me! Because otherwise I surely would have just run merrily to class exulting in getting drenched with the rain's splendor. And then all my books would have been ruined.


  1. Wow. You made rain so magical. Simply amazing post. I love running in the rain too- but I also adore umbrellas. It's a good thing that your books aren't ruined, they're probably very expensive!
    My favourite so far... even over the Sweet Potatoe God.


  2. Laughing my wolfish head off. Umbrellas are SUCH petty distractions, wouldn't you say? Ah, glorious rain...thou art lucky indeed.



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