Monday, September 29, 2008

An Almost-Oops

So I went to a bookstore yesterday. I've been going every weekend, sure as clockwork, to nab a few books, find a cozy corner in the store, and read for a few hours before regretfully putting the books back on their shelves. I'm in college, I need to be saving my money for more 'practical' purchases--like the MLA handbook I bought a few weeks ago--but I really miss my huge library at home, and the rare finds I can scrounge off of the shelf at my English hall help somewhat, but aren't really a replacement.

So during the course of a couple weekends I've almost finished Howl's Moving Castle and I'm nearly fifty pages through Tarzan of the Apes, both of which I am enjoying very much. (Yes, I know, I really need to get a library card. That's on the to-do list for this weekend.)

Well, I went to the store yesterday, and was unable to find Howl, which was a pity because I wanted to finish it up. So instead of reading I ended up wandering up and down aisles of books like a little lost child, hunting for something good to read, something new. Something that was new, fantasy-ish, completely enjoyable, and didn't have a title starting with 'B' and ending with 'risingr'. Ugh.

Of course I naturally thought longingly of Inkdeath, the last book in the Inkheart trilogy which I am a huge fan of, but I had asked my mother during a phonecall only five days earlier if she knew when the book came out, and she had looked it up online and told me that it came out in two weeks. Still, when I saw a display for the series I looked it over anyway in a sort of vain hope.

And no, they didn't have it. There was Inkheart, down at the bottom, and that other book in purple on top--Inkspell, I told myself, looking at its cover in disappointment. Well, too bad. I'd just keep hunting.

I wandered off.

And then about thirty seconds later I had a moment which must be as close as any human can get to the classic cartoon image of a dejected little character moping away, and then--double take!--happy lightbulb dings into place over the head!--the little character speeds back to the book display, and lo and behold, there is the book she had been searching for, which she had just been gazing at and had not realized was the one she wanted, the one she had left behind, while the audience watching was giggling at her idiocy.

Yeah, the purple book was Inkdeath. I had read the title, seen the cover, and it still didn't sink in. So sometimes I'm just not smart.

At least it sank in eventually.

And so much for practical purchases. I am now a few dollars poorer, but immeasurably happier, and I am on page 213 of Inkdeath . . .


  1. thank you for commenting on my blog. It's always nice to find another person that enjoys romantic things like you do. I think that commenting on blogs is sometimes like smiling, don't you? A gift that you just give a stranger? That idea is based from a quote from Mother Theresa. I thought it was a nice thought, that smiles were gifts and acts of love. I wouldn't say this to just any blogger, but you seem to be a kindred spirit too!

  2. You must be a kindred spirit to post a Mother Theresa quote/idea on my blog; not anyone would do that! And I quite agree, one of the best acts of kindness we can give is a smile, because a smile can be given and accepted by anybody. Many thanks :)

  3. well, i don't know hardly anything about mother theresa, before you get too excited....but i thought there was some truth in that quote. :D

  4. And thus you know more than I do of the story. And here it doesn't come out for another week. (They sped up release dates!)
    I'm so slow at reading it in German. I think I'll get the English copy, then read them side-by-side. So don't tell me what happens!



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