Monday, September 8, 2008

The Reason Why . . .

. . . I decided to study Russian. Well, a big part of the reason anyways.

I don't know how to upload video and am too tired to try and learn right now. So you'll have to make do with a link for the time-being.

*EDIT* Thanks to Andromache's brilliance and kind-heartedness and/or lack of other posting topics, I have now uploaded the video here. So now you don't have to navigate away from my beautiful blog to watch videos I recommend. Because I know you REALLY hated leaving . . .

Who says the best Sherlock Holmes in the world has to be British?


  1. Ooooh. Cool beans. How did you hear about him? Have you seen the series on DVDs/video, or just online w/subs?

    Oh, and on posting videos, I'll go post a step-by-step guide right now (Yeah, I know I could just post the steps here, but I can post screen shots and an actual video there. And I couldn't think of anything else to post today. Hehehe.) I'll stick the link to the post in these comments when I'm done.

  2. Linkage!

    Hope it helps. Yeah, yeah, I know--you could've figured it out yourself. But it always helps to have pictures, neh? ;-D

  3. Well, I'm glad my ineptness provided you with some inspiration, lol. And I'll go check out the tutorial right now!

    It's nice to have other people think for me . . .

    Oh, and I only discovered this guy this summer . . . I don't remember how! I think I searched 'sherlock holmes' on youtube and he was one of the links, and then I found out he was knighted by the British Empire or something because he was so good. And he IS.

    His series are hard to find. The Hound of the Baskervilles is on Youtube, though, if you want to check it out--and I strongly recommend you do. It's the best adaptation ever, no doubts. Great actors, great music, great keeping to the storyline. And Watson is brilliant too.

  4. I'm glad you had problems and mentioned it - I never knew how to post videos either! And anything that would make you learn a language must be wunner-ful.


  5. Okay, so andromache does the thinking for me, and I do the question-asking for laura. What a team we are ;)


Penny for your thoughts?