Wednesday, September 24, 2008

'If God Had Made Me a Leaf . . .'

A poem which came to me as I walked from one end of campus to the other, inspired I think by the glorious whirling green of the enormous trees arching over me. It's a little strange, and very short, but it makes sort of sense to me, and I liked it enough to remember it. Perhaps not my best poetry, but since I haven't posted any writings in so long . . . here you go.

If God Had Made Me a Leaf

If God had made me a Leaf
Dancing in a Tree

I would have Spent my Springtime
At my inevitable Fall.


  1. Interesting idea. And I like it. Different than your usual style, unless we count that haiku which messed me up so much. :P
    I'm trying to imagine what tree you'd be...


  2. I like it. I don't have a lot to say about how I like it (besides that I don't have a lot to say--and you know know how I managed to get together 700 words on why music should be banned), but I really do. Whee...I think I've been on the computer too long. ^_^


Penny for your thoughts?