Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Video, and Plenty of Randomness

"Have you ever realized just how many creatures in this world have wings? And I don't. It doesn't seem fair."

The above is a bit of dialogue I wrote yesterday while on a writing rampage, then decided didn't really fit with any of the stories I'm working on, and so got the ax. But I still thought it was slightly amusing, so why not post it here, right? It's better when you imagine a slightly insane person saying it while swatting flies . . .

Yesterday I bought 'Gone With the Wind'--the novel, you silly people, not the film--and so perhaps I'll actually be able to finish it now! There was a sale at Barnes & Noble: Buy 2 B&N Classics and get the third free. Well, I needed some classics for school, so I picked up 'Jane Eyre' and 'The Odyssey', no problem. But then I needed a third book. Which had me perplexed for a long while because all the books they had: 'The Brothers Karamazov', 'A Tale of Two Citites', 'The Aeneid', 'Madame Bovary', 'The Count of Monte Cristo', 'Origin of Species', 'Les Miserables'-- I'd already read and purchased, or didn't want to read. It took forever to find a book I wanted . . . but I finally found 'Peter Pan' hiding in the corner of a fantasy bookshelf, and so bought that.

It was all with gift cards, Laura. And your letter's in the mail, by the way.

Only one more day of school (not counting today, of course) until the weekend arrives! Huzzah for weekends. I hope to sleep in--probably won't, but I can try my very hardest--and read and write a lot. And knit. Boy is knitting ever addictive; I was listening to music and knitting and typing a story and Skyping last night all at once, and if that isn't multitasking, I don't know what is. My fingers started getting pretty confused.

And now--back to homework! But first here's a video to cheer myself up from the fact that I have to go back to homework. I mean, it's sad . . . but one of my favorite films paired with one of my favorite songs . . . Though the songs by America are amazing, I keep intending to post them and then forgetting . . .

(I do apologize. I should never have posted anything today. Today is a Thursday. Thursdays are RANDOM days for me . . . Almost the end of the week but not quite. It's like a limbo day. My mind starts going o.O)


  1. I liked Random Thursday. :) The dialogue was good, although I wish you could use it somewhere... And yay for all the books you bought. I adore all of them, so I'm happy. BTW, I got our Gone With The Wind for a quarter at a library sale, and found it was an original later. :D
    And yes, knitting is VERY addictive. :) I love to knit. And I enjoyed the music very much! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Maybe I'll use it somewhere someday . . . in a very short story.

    And oooh, you're TRYING to make me jealous! That's not nice ;) Well, I've spoken with Tolkien's daughter. Hah!

    PS-My word verification code to type in was 'mallon'. So almost 'mallorn'! Makes me happy :)

  3. Bah humbug on the /both/ of you.

    I loved the amv. Excellent work by whomever did it.

    "ducati" for me--type of money? Ancient British Tribe (as named by Caeser, of course)?

  4. I do believe I deserve that humbug ;)

    Glad you liked the vid, I was really taken with it . . .


Penny for your thoughts?