Saturday, January 10, 2009

Here We Go Again

Yes, today is the day I return to Hawaii.

I really am sorry to be leaving home. Three weeks have never passed by so quickly before! But as Nikolai said in his comment on my last post, at least I have things to also look forward to in HI this time, rather than it just being a great blank unknown.

This time round I will probably be reading Le Morte d'Arthur on my plane . . . last time it was The Last Unicorn. But I mostly intend to type. I have a few short stories I need to finish, after all, and if I'm strapped into my seat in a flying vehicle with nothing else to do for over 5 hours . . . well, why not!

I am very tired, as I stayed up very late last night . . . and no, my packing is not yet finished. Eep!

. . . This also means I will be severely lacking internet access again, just like last semester. But that problem will hopefully be rectified in a few days. Until then, please bear with me.

Love you all,


  1. I'm going to be worrying about you all day. You already know that though...
    I can't wait to read more Jhaniel writings, and of course, flights are perfect times to read and write. (Trust me, it takes forever to get from Alaska to anywhere, I have a bit of experience there.)
    Hopefully I didn't distract you too much last night... and I hope all your packing is done now!
    So, until next time you write, love you and take care of yourself!!!
    P.S. The word I had to type for verification was demai... it's kinda pretty, isn't it?

  2. well, here I am...Back in the dorm that I left but three short weeks ago. Oh well thats life. At least this semester should not be too hard.
    Anyway, I hope your flight was all good. Coming from California should give you an extra two hours up on sleep.
    You know what, tomorrow, erm I mean today(dang its late) I may call you.
    Oh and my verification word sounds really close to the ovary so it seems that the site just feels funny today.


Penny for your thoughts?