Thursday, January 22, 2009

National 'Tell a Fairy Tale Day': Challenge!

So a few days ago Kat and I were being generally silly and scouring the internet for strange and weird holidays which are 'unofficial' here in the US of A but official enough to be listed on numerous holiday websites. There were some pretty awesome ones, but the best by far (merit-wise) in my opinion is 'Tell a Fairy Tale Day', February 26.

That's a noble holiday, isn't it? 

Anyway, seeing as how many of my friends are writers, and I thought we could turn this into an activity. Of course we're all very busy, so if you are too busy to work on this, I completely understand. But fairy tales don't necessarily have to be long . . . and you have a month!

Basically, the rules are these: Write a fairy tale of your own by the 26th of February! It can be about anything at all, just be creative . . . I thought it would be interesting to see how our different ideas of fairy tales form our stories, and the world can always use more fairy tales. If you are part of the Pre-Paolinist group, you should probably post your story there . . . if not, post it on your blog, WW, or wherever you like . . . preferably where other participants in this activity can read it when it is completed. All stories should be posted on the 26th of February.

Go for it and have fun!


  1. I'm doing it! I'll post it either on facebook or on my blog. Depends. :P

    Yay for random holidays!


  2. Or both! Both is good ;)

    *cheers for random holidays*

    I'm still debating on whether to celebrate 'Bad Poetry Day' or not . . .


Penny for your thoughts?