Monday, January 12, 2009

She Hath Returned

Yes, I am alive and well and back in Hawaii!

It was much more humid than I remembered when I first arrived, but over the past couple of days I've adjusted, and now it's okay again. Definitely warmer than it was back home, though.

It'll take time learning my new class schedule, and I'm certainly worried about my new professors, but it'll all be a good experience five years from now, so that's keeping me positive.

I also bought a new journal after accidentally leaving my first one at home . . . but that's okay, I had just about filled the pages of the other one anyway.

There were tears at the airport, but not as many as last semester, which was a relief, and when the plane was taking off, Tolkien's 'Walking Song' began playing on my iPod, which made me feel a lot better!

Anything else? Erm . . . They showed 'Eagle Eye' on the plane, which seemed like an okay film apart from the occasional bad language . . . The sort of action film where you need to zone out and not try to make things make sense, and then it's crazy fun. You know? I missed the beginning, and the ending seemed a bit rushed, but other than that, it wasn't a waste of time.

I nearly finished your story, Laura, but then I fell asleep. Whoops.

Hope you're all ready for another semester of college in Hawaii, because I know I'm not! ;)


  1. I'm leaving for work now, but I just wanted to pop in and say hi and I'm glad your safe! Thanks for the call as you landed, it made my day. :P
    I wish you all the best in this semester!

  2. Or night, I suppose.

    I hope you weren't too hyper and got enough sleep to prepare for your job today. I'm thinking of you!

  3. Hey...again lol. I just got on and boy is it ever late.Just here to say that it was nice to see you again. Oh and thanks again for the gifts! I ate most of the stuff and I gotta say that caramel brick was good stuff. How did you guess that I liked caramel things?

    Well.. have a good one!I will talk to you later.

    P.S. I will show you how to tie a tie if I ever get a hold of one. :)
    Another P.S. the cafe food was bad tonight *yuck* Im quite certain you could find better food in a can. Maybe it was from a can....


Penny for your thoughts?