Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Victory of the Daleks"

The biggest issue I have with the new series of Doctor Who is that they have these brilliant old-style stories, but are FAR too compressed by the miserable 45-minute length of the new Who episodes. I like the new Doctor and companion immensely, and I like the Old Who flavor of the new episodes, but it makes me sad because they could be much more effective if they were given a much longer running time. This is specially evidenced in "Victory of the Daleks", which I watched and then felt was really intended to work as an old-style six-parter story. Every five minutes there was a new crisis. For example *spoiler alert* the revelation about the scientist being a robot comes very quickly in the series, and reminded me of the revelation of that one guy in "Resurrection of the Daleks" being a robot, only that revelation was left until about two episodes into the story, if I remember correctly. Here, I hardly got to meet the scientist before his real identity is revealed. Although he was a good character still *end spoiler* Oh well, it's still very enjoyable--just hasn't quite found a perfect balance between old and new yet. I'm hoping it will in the future though, because that would be amazing.

Eleven's Troughton-esque hand-rubbing towards the end though had me giggling, hehe. And when he smashed the teacup out of the Dalek's . . . hand? Amy didn't have too much to do, but I still like her a lot. :)

Can't wait until next week--the return of the Weeping Angels, aaah!

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