Friday, July 16, 2010

I was going to go to bed early . . .

. . . but instead had a quarrel with my younger brother that left me feeling angry, frustrated, and bitter, so I decided to stay up all night instead watching the rest of "Fringe" in an attempt to blow off steam. The result is that it's almost dawn and I've finished the entire second season. Am I feeling happier? Um, well, no, because the finale was infuriating. This show is very fond of switcheroo-ing characters, I've caught onto that by now. So I was pretty irritated at the main characters for being so dense as to not realize they had been made victims of a trick-swap, when it was almost painfully obvious to me. Especially since the team's been fragmented for so long, I really want them together again. It just isn't as fun when they're separate. I almost cheered aloud when that character who died earlier (and who I mentioned in an earlier post, I think) reappeared, albeit changed, but was pretty upset when the whiz-kids were killed off so flippantly--especially the guy who manipulates sickness, I was so happy to see him back. Sigh.

I'm so torn. I really wanted to see Peter and Olivia happy together at last, but I also really want to see more of Alt-Charlie.

Anyway, I thought the "Brown Betty" episode was utterly loopy and ridiculous but somehow very charming, though not quite as fun as "Supernatural"'s spoof episodes. I actually wanted more singing *shrugs*! And the finale was well-paced and enjoyable, basically non-stop adrenaline, but I was pretty frustrated by it too, haha. How much I ultimately like it will depend on how next season goes, I think. The doomsday Peter-cyborg(???) idea seemed like it was dismissed way too quickly, so I suppose it'll be back later. Which I guess means there'll be more universe-hopping in the future? Hm.

Oh, and I loved, loved, loved the "White Tulip" ep. I was dizzy with all the time-travel-y twistiness by the end of it, but that means I had a good time :)

I'll be heading to bed at last now, and with a headache, too, as well as with my eye-doctor appointment waiting for me later today--joy. I hate it when my anger just simmers and drives me mad, because it makes me do strange things to exorcise it. Like watch "Fringe" all night. I can't bear to sleep while angry; it makes for such unpleasant dreams.

Final verdict: Yes, I will be watching "Fringe" when episodes air in the Fall. I'm curious as to how the show writers are going to balance all the craziness that's now set to happen, and whether a story so filled with duplicate characters and multiple plotlines can really be as good as it needs to be. It is similar to "Primeval", but more intellectual, and less cartoon-y fun, so both are great. I wouldn't say I like it as much as "Doctor Who" or "Lost", but I do like it a lot, enough to keep watching. Yay John Noble!

Also, favorite quote? "Death! Delicious, strawberry-flavored death!"



  1. Are you buying all the episodes off of iTunes? I checked on hulu and the website and they don't have all of season two up yet. I haven't bought any since they're three dollars an episode...I'm kind of waiting for it to come out in September. Major marathon.

  2. I found a website that has all the episodes for free; I can post the link if you like. Also, hulu has the five most recent episodes :)


    Here you go then! It has everything available except for "Peter", which for some reason won't work. So I had to hunt for that ep and don't remember where I found it now. Enjoy ^_^

  4. Thanks! There goes reading for the next week.....

  5. Lol. I should feel guilty, but . . . nope, I don't that much :)


Penny for your thoughts?