Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hello Again

So I'm on episode 2.17 of "Fringe" now, and the second season is miles better than the first. Not that the first was bad, but the characters are more comfortable to watch now for some reason, perhaps because they've finally settled into themselves, grown comfortable with their own personalities. I'm seriously loving all the 'alternate reality' stuff.

Today I took the siblings out to play on a grassy field by my house. My youngest brother begged me to take him, so I did, and then only a few minutes after arriving at the grass he threw an enormous tantrum because he wasn't chosen as the first person to be 'it' in our sibling game of freeze tag, so I had to cart him back to the house. I think he's napping now; he was in need of a bit of sleep, I think. It was pretty embarrassing to be walking down the street carrying a squirming, shrieking child who kept yelling 'NONONONO' at the top of his very-strong lungs. He's had a piercing scream he can summon at will ever since he was very small, though he hadn't used it in a while . . . not until today, anyway. I was afraid someone would think I was kidnapping the kid.

I'm typing this at my desk, which is situated right beside my bedroom window. Outside the sky is pink and purple with sunset, but it's a bruised and dusty sort of sunset, not a glorious one. There isn't any wind. It's been very hot the past few days.

I'm pretty tired myself, actually. I haven't been getting as much sleep as I should; I'll try to rectify that tonight. Just remembered that I have an optometrist appointment tomorrow, and I don't want to have weary eyes for that!

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