Monday, July 12, 2010

And the Days Go By . . .

I seriously need to start working on my novel. I mean, I've been writing, sure, but not as much as I should. Starting tomorrow, I'm determined to treat this like it's my full-time job. The fairytale is coming along nicely; I hope to have the next part posted tomorrow, but we'll see; I have dance and things tomorrow that will take up time.

Dance is actually taking up a lot of time lately; I'm determined to get into the best condition possible for Regionals this year. Of course the practicing and training is hard work, but to my own surprise I'm finding it rather fun. Not that I don't usually enjoy dance anyway, but it can be wearisome to drill and work and work like that. Now, however, I'm enjoying the hard work. I think it's a side-effect of being forced to be largely inactive for long periods of time. After not being able to practice every day while in Hawaii, I better appreciate the simple fact that I CAN train hard, and am thus more likely to make use of that fact.

This week I finally got around to watching "Fringe", something I've been considering for a while. The first couple of episodes didn't really grab me, but I kept at it and, eleven episodes in, I'm enjoying the show a lot more than initially. It took a bit of time for me to warm up to the characters, I guess . . . or something, maybe the show's tone or pacing. (By the way, I was both delighted with and distracted by the usage of music from "Sunshine" in the Pilot episode. One of my favorite science fiction films ever!) Anyway, I'm having fun with it now. Even if I keep squealing "Denethor! Denethor!" every few minutes, hahaha . . . Still, this Walter Bishop fellow seems like the sort of guy Denethor might have been reincarnated into if such things happened . . . father-son issues, high intelligence, a dangerous interest in dangerous and weird powers/sciences . . . need I go on?

Anyway, now that I've wrested the keyboard back from my inner geek, I can turn my attention to other recent news. Nothing really important, I suppose: I stayed up until 3 AM baking cookies a few days ago, painted my younger sisters' nails, am now almost halfway through "Portrait of a Lady", and have been drawing a lot lately. I've also taught myself to crochet, so perhaps I can finally make those Doctor Who dolls! I made a little mad scientist already; I will post a photograph or two of him later. I still need new charcoal, drawing paper, and calligraphy ink. This weekend I hope to see "Inception", after looking forward to it for months. But first, of course, I need to attend to that writing. So much life to do, but so little time to do it in! Life sometimes just doesn't seem big enough for itself. But I'm sure it is; it's just I have to train my mind to use it properly and to its full potential.


  1. I know exactly how you feel! I never feel like I have enough time to do everything I want to, but I know it's just because I'm a bad time manager. I'm working on it though! Can't wait to read the fairy tale. And I'd *really* love to read a bit of your novel....*hint hint, wink wink*

    I love Fringe. All the characters, just love them to death. Walter makes me laugh, he's so weird...and Peter, and Olivia, even Astrid and their scary boss. I. Love. It. And I also can't wait to see Inception. Is that this weekend? mmm, I'm gonna have to drag Dad along soon...

  2. Haha, I'll post some novel ASAP then.

    And I'm on Season 2 of Fringe now, and still enjoying it. Some stuff that I guessed relatively early on is being confirmed, which is cool--but my favorite character was just killed off, so I'm feeling a bit down about the show now, alas. You are all caught up in the show and therefore ahead of me, yeah? I don't want to spoiler and ruin things like I tend to do >.<

    Olivia's grown on me now that she's not obsessing about her late partner. Walter's awesome. And I like Peter a lot, but I wish he had more to do :)


Penny for your thoughts?