Monday, September 14, 2009

Lo and Behold . . .

. . . I've finally finished with a long-overdue blog revamping! Whee! 

Guide to the new look:

Header: A photograph I took in Tennessee . . . I love this gate ^_^
And the quote is from J.R.R. Tolkien's marvelous poem 'Mythopoeia', where I got my screen name from (No, my name is not really Mythopoeia. Sadly. And I'm not really a fae, either . . . though I also took the picture of the statue that I use as my profile pic.)


1. In addition to my 'Book of the Month' shelf, I've added a little archive list which will show the titles that were featured in past months (the past three months, to be precise).
2. Yes, I have added a few quotations! It's a bit funny, really, that it took me so long, considering how quote-centric I am . . . 
3. Instead of scattering my book reviews helter-skelter, I have decided to assign a certain day towards the end of each month on which I shall post summaries and reviews for all the books I read that month. The 'Books to be Reviewed' section gives you heads-up on what books I will be talking about (that is, books I have already finished), and I've also added a 'Books I am Currently Reading' section as a taste and forewarning of what is to come. As I finish books here, I will transfer their titles to the 'To be Reviewed' section.
4. A few banners to sites for fan films I am anticipating have also been added, check them out!
5. I found a virtual fish pond, which I thought rather cute . . . you click on the water and feed the fish . . . it's a nice stress-reliever, something I tend to need a lot. And it's decorative. But I haven't fallen so far that I've started naming the virtual fishes . . . not yet, anyway ;)
6. A bit of blurb for Linden and my Facebook group. 
7. Blogs worth checking out and websites worth checking out are now listed also.
8. Aaaaand, as before, I have a music player at the very bottom of the page.

I am also quite pleased with the new background, so this will probably be the look of the blog for quite some time to come. Any comments or observations or critiques or suggestions are welcome! 


I will be posting at greater detail about an idea I've had for starting up a private, co-owned blog for all us writers to gather at and share our writings on in security, something like an online version of the Bird and the Baby for our Inkling-esque storytelling. Let me know if you're interested! I will be posting soon with more details and such, so more information will be forthcoming, but I figured I'd just throw the idea out there already, for you to ruminate on until I can whip up a proper post.

Explore and enjoy, peeps!

1 comment:

  1. I fed the fish for 5 minutes straight. I believe that it was darn well near the best 5 minutes of my day. :)

    I enjoy the quotes too. They match the new wallpaper. All in all it is a good revamp.

    It is also nice to see that you are beginning to post new things again. I was getting a bit worried after that long summer drought.


Penny for your thoughts?