Monday, May 4, 2009

*Cough Cough*

So . . . I woke up this morning after a scant thirty minutes of sleep to the horrible realization that I have a cold. This just isn't fair. I suppose staying up all night studying so battered and abused my antibodies that they abandoned their posts, allowing the evil germs to win their way past the walls. Rally to me, little microbe soldiers, and drive the illness away! I do not want to be sick when I get on the plane to go home, especially with this Swine Flu panic that's going around.

I'm trying to find the bright side of getting sick right at this moment, which is a hard task, but marginally more entertaining than feeling sorry for myself. And by 'bright side' I mean other than the imagining-a-full-blown-epic-war-being-fought-for-my-health part. Though I have to admit that is entertaining. It always has been, ever since I caught the stomach flu when I was seven and spent a few days cheering myself up by naming my white blood cells and imagining their heroic knightly deeds as they desperately fought the nefarious black-magic wielding germs to make me well again. Heh heh. Of course this isn't a sign that I have ego problems!

However, it's nice to find pluses on reality's turf as well. So, I've been thinking, trying to find any.

Well, when I have a cold, I can use said cold as an excuse to eat soup and drink hot tea and read The Lord of the Rings. Sounds good. The only issue with this plan is that I currently  have final exams threatening me from the shadowy precipice of Next Week, where they skulk in preparation for an evil ambush. So, unfortunately, long Tolkien novels are *sniffle*, with a huge effort of will, to be put aside for the moment. If I'm going to be sitting around with tea and soup, the only books I can read for the next week are school books. And I can't have my tea and soup in bed, because air mattresses are too unstable for spillable foods. And the weather just took a turn for the better recently, so the apartment where I live is currently far too stifling and baking to make tea and soup a comfortable meal.

All right, so there are problems here. One should know what one is up against before formulating a plan. In order to find the plus side, I must find out what is in my way between getting some enjoyment from my cold and sniffles.

1) Final exams
2) The weather
3) The imminent plane flight
4) Homework

. . . .

. . . . Oh well. Who says reality is necessary to cheer oneself up? I'm going to retreat into my fantasy world now and watch my white knights whup the evil black-mailed germ army. 


  1. ooh, colds are awful! I hope it isn't a sore throat for your sake. I have the remains of a cold, which consists of a congested nose (lovely, right?) and a very weak, pathetic cough that doesn't even sound manly. Don't laugh....but when I started the cold I have now, our housekeeper told me that putting banana peels on the soles of your feet would drain the infection out. Well, I tried it. I didn't have a sore throat the next day, although I did have this little sniffle/cough thing, but if it isn't a sore throat, I'm okay with it. In case you are brave enough to try it, get a pair of old socks, and arrange the banana peel inside, one per foot, so that the inside of the peel is on the bottom of your foot. They'll be brown by morning, hopefully with the said black-mailed germs, and your little white knights will have triumphed. Or you could get some cold medicine. :D

  2. oppressors? I used to imagine regiments and divisions with their little commanders giving them orders and winning great strategic victories by calling in antibiotic support and what not. It was good fun, and I understand why you do it. You are a daydreamer just like me, we both are blessed with the same gift that has been endowed to many great thinkers, scientists and writers alike; an overactive imagination.

    P.S. please don’t let your antibodies charge through a wall of elephant like viruses, it kills me to see it in the movie and I don’t need to even bother to imagine it in my Did I ever mention that I also used to image my little antibodies in epic wars with those nasty little body unless I want to feel bad/angry.

  3. it cut off the message because it was too long, lol. the first part before oppressors was supposed to say "Did I ever mention that I also used to wage wars in my head with my vastly superior antibodies destroying those nasty (oppressors)"

  4. I am not the only one!!! Huzzah! And I hope you feel better soonishly! *huggles*


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