'According to due custom every maiden bore some weapon. A few had bows in their hands and quivers at their backs; some had nought but a sword girt to their sides; some bore slender-shafted spears, so as not to overburden their shapely hands; but to some it seemed a merry game to carry long and heavy thrust-spears, or to bear great war-axes over their shoulders. Most had their flowing hair coifed with bright helms; some had burdened their arms with shields; some bore steel hauberks over their linen smocks: almost all had some piece of war-gear on their bodies; and one, to wit, Steed-linden of the Sickle, a tall and fair damsel, was so arrayed that no garment could be seen on her but bright steel war-gear.'
-William Morris, The Roots of the Mountains
There are many quotes which I loved in this book, many better than this. But I had to post this one. Because of Steed-linden. Made me think of someone . . .
More quotes from RotM will probably be forthcoming! If you haven't read this book, I strongly recommend you do so, especially if you like Tolkien, High Fantasy, Norse/Germanic tales, or mythology. More on that later.
Oooh! It's me! *jumps up and down* That whole bit just sounded so cool. I must read this book. Now. I'm going to the library to look for it sometime. After all, I like all those things you mentioned.
ReplyDeleteAnd weaponry is just that cool. Oh yeah.
P.S. the confirmation "word" is Dolopod. Is that a cousin to the Dufflepods of Narnia?
No way! I read an old fantasy book before Linden! *struts*
ReplyDeleteYou definitely must. It's apparently really hard to find, but I recently found an online text version. Doesn't have quite the same appeal as the 1906-print version at my school's library, but it's the story. Do you want the link?
Dolopod . . . sounds like a type of animal they would domesticate and ride. Dufflepods and their tamed Dolopods.
Oh... stop yer struttin. Phish... and I was going to get Dodger's costume for you!
ReplyDeleteYes I want the link, just in case I cannot find a copy of it at the library.
I agree now. But how would a one-legged person ride anything???