Friday, February 27, 2009

Two Days and Counting

Until my eighteenth birthday, that is. Life is making me claustrophobic at the moment. I always get that before my birthdays, but it's harsher than usual this year--probably due to a mixture of it being the big one eight, and me being thousands of miles away from home. I've had a total of 2 birthday parties in my entire life; my birthdays are always low-key affairs at home with my parents and siblings. I like 'em that way. So not being home is a bit hard, you know. Thank goodness for video Skyping, though.

Today I got my birthday cake! I will not describe it yet, though. You will get a picture. Be patient.

I also returned my books to the library. I went weeks ago, you may recall, to get 'Phantastes and Lilith', and ended up getting 'The Charwoman's Shadow' and 'Roots of the Mountains' as well. As it turns out, I read 'The Charwoman's Shadow', I read 'Roots of the Mountains', and I never did get around to reading 'Phantastes and Lilith'. Which, I suppose, shows how my brain works. In other words, it doesn't.

I'll have to go back to the library and borrow it again. But before then I will certainly be posting quotes here, so stick around!

Weather report! Very sunny, with only scattered clouds and drizzles, but extremely windy. I kid thee not. I sat at an outdoor table yesterday, studying, and my 500 page 'Complete Mythological Dictionary' blew away. 

Do you realize how ridiculous one feels chasing a wayward dictionary??

I'm posting my new short story and birthday present for Linden on Facebook at the moment, but will also get around to publishing it here eventually. I'd say it would be done by the end of the weekend, but I might not get much writing done on my birthday.

Hm . . . why is it that I never seem to have anything worthwhile to write about? I'll have to work on that.


  1. I think your posts are interesting!

    I'm very interested in reading George MacDonald, Phantastes especially....

    What's Crown of Stars about? I've looked it up once on it good? It looks like Classic high fantasy. My favorite. :D Happy Birthday, in advance!

  2. Methinks thou hast plenty of worth-while things in thy posts! Melikes them!

    Yeah, it's snowy/rainy/windy/cold/warm/little-bit-of-everything here. Urgh.

    Yay for books!!!!!!!


  3. Hehe, I got to see the cake but ill leave it to you to describe it lol. :) yeah and scince it seems to be trendy, I too like your posts. Oh and the weather is rainy, windy and dark on account of it being night right now.


Penny for your thoughts?