Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break: Day 1

In my journal last night I sketched out a plan for the day: exercise, read, write, drink tea, maybe trot down to the courtyard for some reading on the grass if the weather was decent. There's nothing quite like lying sprawled on lush grass with a good book in your hands.

Unfortunately, the weather was fitful today, and I didn't trust it to not rain on my expensive library books, so I didn't go out. And now as I type this, I can hear a torrential downpour swishing down outside, so I suppose I made the right decision! Apart from that, however, the day did go according to plan.

I woke up at the ridiculously late time of 8:30, which was luxury in itself, so the fact that I still had the whole day before me without school was icing on the cake. Had a yogurt for breakfast, then exercised for an hour, showered, combed my hair--yes, I did find my comb again--and performed what other various tasks necessary for getting ready for the day.

Once that was settled, I made myself some tea. I walked to the market on Friday after my dance practice to stock up, so I bought some 'peach black tea', which I hadn't tried before, but which I can now attest is extremely good. And when I saw that a box of sugar cubes was on sale, I couldn't very well say no to that, now could I? I eat sugar cubes like Talat, so the box is currently inside a secure tupperware container on top of my bookshelf to save my teeth.

So I made a huge mug of tea and settled down with one of my many library books, which happened to be 'The House of the Wolfings'. It's very good so far, but it's Morris, so I was expecting high quality. I also read 'The Poison Belt' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle . . . er, unique in the strangeness of its plot, as far as I know, but a very disappointing follow-up to 'The Lost World', which I think is vastly superior.

And then, of course, more writing! I have set myself a timeline on what to finish when as far as Linden's birthday story goes, so it'll be done by Thursday if the plan works, possibly earlier, depending on how cooperative I can coax my muse into being. And I videoSkyped my family for a little while, which was fun as always. The children grow up so quickly.

I also cleaned a little, did some improv cooking with the very limited ingredients I rooted out of the sadly under-stocked fridge, and watched some Star Trek. When my grandmother came home after work I played a little Legend of Zelda on the Wii (Iron boots are brilliant!) and then retreated to my room once more to write a little and read a little before falling asleep.

All in all, not a bad day, and surprisingly more productive than I had imagined it would be. Can't wait until the morrow, I'm really excited about writing what comes next in Linden's story . . .


  1. It sounds like a great day! I like to make lists for what I'm doing every day too. Unfortunately, Spring Break is going to alude me for another month or two..probably until May! Although I may get some nice time off during April. I'm about to start Driver's Ed, which is going to take up an enormous amount of time for three weeks. *shivers*

  2. Ohhh, Driver's Ed. I plan to use part of my summer holiday to learn to drive; I've been putting it off for years, but it /is/ a useful skill.

  3. Hehehe... I love reading about all the details of your life. And I actually got sucked into your words once you said "library"... is this some sort of sign that visiting the library four times in less than a week might be causing me to loose my grip with normalcy?
    I can't wait to read the story!!! Whoot!


  4. So that is why you mentioned sugar cubes on friday! Anyway that is cool to know that you are having a good time back home. My first day was not all that exciting but it was still good. :)

    P.S. The iron boots are brilliant!


Penny for your thoughts?