Sunday, February 15, 2009

To Write Love On Her Arms

. . . I did it. In Elvish, no less.
And I also doodled an eye and a couple of faces on my palm that day. English class was dull.


  1. Phew, im back! Nice art, lol. Class must indeed be a very exciting time for you. It is almost like me in chemistry class. I sit and watch my friends play pokemon and check their facebooks while drawing little stick figures all over my notebook. :)

  2. I draw on my hands. And then once I drew an eye on my ankle to pretend I was a part of VFD, lol.
    To try and cure my self-inflicted doodling, I bought a small sketchbook at the bookstore last week. Maybe it'll help!

  3. I like it! Unfortunately, on the 13th, my camera was dead from Mum using up my batteries.
    Love you!!!

    P.S. I really really really hope you like the birthday present then... :D

  4. Very nice! I did Japanese and Spanish as well as English. (I have pix of the Japanese one on my FB.) Was going to do a couple other languages, but I would have been late for class. Did you get any comments?

  5. Laura: I'm sure I will! :)
    Kat: I woulda written it in Russain too, 'cept I don't know the word. So I stuck with English, Sindarin, and Quenya. I got a couple comments, but not much. It was cold in my english building, so I wore a sweater most of the time . . . *sheepish*


Penny for your thoughts?