Friday, February 13, 2009

Literary Quote #I'll-Figure-Out-Later: Master and Commander

'The remora was so strong it had certainly torn the sheathing off, they explained to him; but that was nothing--it was so strong it could hold the sloop motionless, or almost motionless, in a brisk gale! But now they had him--there was an end to his capers now, the dog--and now the Sophie would run along like a swan. For a moment Stephen felt inclined to argue, to appeal to their common sense, to point to the nine-inch fish, to the exiguity of its fins; but he was too wise, and too happy, to yield to this temptation, and he jealously carried the bucket down to his cabin, to commune with the remora in peace.'
-Patrick O'Brian, Master and Commander

I daresay this is my favorite part in the whole book. Apart from the part where Stephen randomly falls overboard in the middle of a conversation. Or where Aubrey randomly whacks his head on the doorframe. Or where Stephen complains to no avail about a crewman sneaking all the liquor out of his asp jar. But, um, it's a good /serious/ book too, not just full of silliness to appeal to my peculiar sense of humor. I'm hunting down the next book in the series now, Post Captain, and I think it's in the state library, so maybe I'll nab it during my 3 DAY WEEKEND!

*insert happy dance of glee here*

But anyway, Patrick O'Brian. Yes. A peculiar style of writing, has Patrick O'Brian, but it's also quite good. Once you get used to it. And yeah, Nikolai, this is the book that begins the series that the movie is loosely based upon. Funness.

Happy Friday, everyone! I don't care if it is the 13th, Fridays are never unlucky. Huzzah for 3 DAY WEEKENDS!

*repeat of above happy dance of glee*

. . . Ai, I have a headache. Or as Gawaine would say, "My head sore aches!" (Yes, that is a Once and Future King quote for those of you who are interested.) I've been up very late at nights doing homework all week, and now I'm finally finished for tomorrow, but I have to wake at 6 after only 5 hours of sleep last night, and it looks like I'll be having 5 again tonight . . . and tomorrow is my dance practice. I'll be a wreck.

Oh well. That's life. College life, anyway.


  1. Friday the 13th is a funny myth.
    I love the word triskaidekaphobia. it means 'fear of the number thirteen,' or 'fear of friday the 13th.'

    I wonder how many people have that fear?

  2. Well, I survived, and even managed to stay awake the whole day, though that was due to necessity; I had about 200 pages of reading I was determined to get done between classes, and I managed, whew. And as it turned out, I got 4 and a half hours. Zzzzz . . .

  3. I love that quote! hehe, you've got me smiling. *hug* Survive college life so we can meet up some day, okay???



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