Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's The Last Unicorn!

Hi all!

Again, I don't have much time. When I get a laptop I'll be able to blog much more effectively. At the moment, I don't feel I can do Sunday's hike justice, and therefore I won't try until I can upload pictures. I'll give you some facts though:

1. I saw a million geckos
2. I saw a mongoose
3. The rainforest was beautiful
4. It is HOT on top of Hawaiian mountains
5. I still have a bit of muscle fatigue . . .

Okay, so today I only have two afternoon classes, but I'm busy with homework for English, Philosophy, History, Economics, and Russian. Later I hope to continue cleaning the room I'm going to be staying in, and maybe I'll find time to go to the pool at the apartment complex where I'm staying.

I think I want to try snorkeling . . . Waikiki is seriously stunning. Wow.

Oh, yeah, the random post title. I meant to tell you all about 'The Last Unicorn', which I finished reading on Saturday, and how amazing it is. Lots of quotable phrases, which I will post here when I have the book with me. In the meantime, just go borrow it from the nearest library. It's good. Trust me. I mean, at one point Beagle writes that the unicorn when afraid 'shivered like running water' or something like that. Now that's an awesome image.

1 comment:

  1. I got your postcard today - it was the subject of my post!
    I like the sound of "shivvering like running water". It's very good. Oh, and I can't wait to see those pictures! Where are you going to be staying? I thought you were going to live with your grandmother. Anyways, I'll write you a very long letter here soon and send it off! Have fun in classes!

    -Laura Linden


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