Friday, August 29, 2008

Inspiration Hath Struck

Weeell, basically, yeah, I finally got a new jolt of inspiration for a new short story. Thank goodness! It's been a while. It hit me in the car on the way to school, actually, isn't that nice?

Maybe I'll post scraps while I write it on here, or maybe I'll keep it a secret and just startle you all with the finished project someday. I haven't decided yet ;)

It's a futuristic story. Exciting, eh? You know how I like experimenting with different styles/genres. I'm also writing a 'fairytale' sort of story, which I plan to be a story entirely without dialogue. It's a challenge, but very fun, and as usual I have already finished the end and am struggling with the beginning. Grr.

Those of you whom I email . . . not my college account, but my home account . . . my sig . . . it's a few lines from that work-in-progress. I'll post it here when I finish.

Last random note: I bought a new ring a couple days ago. It's silver, slender, and shaped like a sleeping unicorn. So now I have that ring, my claddagh ring, and that awesome dragon-shaped ring (which broke last year and still needs repairing . . .). I'll show a picture ASAP.



  1. Well, are you going to tell us more because I really want to know more about this story. I haven't read anything of yours in simply ages. Actually, just about a month and a half. But, you know, more Jhaniel writing would be wonderful!

    (Where's my email? Or am I getting a letter?)


  2. You are getting a nice, long, letter. But I'll send an email now, too. A nice, long email.


Penny for your thoughts?