Friday, December 17, 2010

The Dinosaurs Are Coming Back!

I just found out that the British television show 'Primeval' will be returning on New Year's Day! I am so ridiculously excited about this, because series 3 ended long ago and on a cliffhanger, the show was canceled for a little while, and then was resurrected, and basically it's been a long time of waiting for more of it. It's not the best show out there, but it is one of the ones I'm most fond of, because--uh, it's got humor, geekery, and dinosaurs! As I've mentioned in a past post, dinosaurs rampaging through the modern world was a frequent nightmare of mine when I was a kid, so I adore watching it on television now, hehehehe.

I'm of course worried about the new characters and whether they'll be as good as all the other ones have been so far, but I'm so excited I don't even really care. Becker, Connor, Lester, and Abby will be back, so it should be good :D

And did I mention the dinosaurs?

1 comment:

  1. What? Yes! This is great! I like it for all the same reasons you do - and CONNOR!


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