Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Feis!

Thank goodness for the written--or typed--word, because I'm coughing so much right now I wouldn't be able to manage saying all this aloud with my actual, you know, voice. I wasn't too dizzy today, which is a huge relief, but the coughing is not getting better at all. It might be getting worse. I had a hard time getting through the Christmas feis today, but it was worth it in the end because it was so much fun seeing everyone and all. I managed to win my treble reel composition competition--wow, that sounds pretentious, hehe. Basically the competition rules were you invent your own treble reel step and then perform it, and I got first, which still amazes me because I liked other people's steps too and I didn't even really get to practice mine or anything or even finish composing it until right before the competition today because I've been sick! I'm very grateful. The prize was a box of Cadbury chocolates (YES) and fifty dollars, so . . . heading back to see "Tangled" again? Maybe! :D

Most memorable moment of the day, however, was when I brushed against a pillar, and glanced at the arm that had done the brushing to see it COVERED IN ANTS. Hundreds of ants. I'm still shuddering; I hate ants something fierce. I don't even know how they transferred so fast. Uugh, I managed to sweep and shake them all off in a kind of frenzied panic, but I've still got this horror that there's still some on me, somewhere. I hate ants.

The weather was really warm today. It didn't feel like almost-Christmas at all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that you have such a horrible cold! Those are awful. At least you're still on functioning level, though. Those are the best kinds of colds to have, when you can still do things. Except for not being able to talk. :( I'm sorry!

    The weather here has been really warm too. It got up into the eighties last week! But it keeps flip-flopping, so I imagine that by the end of this week it'll be cold again, and by Christmas it will have gotten warm again at least once, and then hopefully some at least jacket-worthy weather on Christmas Eve.....


Penny for your thoughts?