Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rambling and "The Big Bang" [NO Spoilers]

So I watched "The Big Bang" today. I won't give out any spoilers apart from saying that I liked it. And so did my little sister who had never watched a full episode of DW before. Her verdict was that it was clever.

I'm currently slogging through yet another horrid cold, which is hateful, especially the racking coughing. This does mean I'm getting more writing done, which is the silver lining I suppose. At least I'm beginning to breathe normally again, so I'm hoping to get some dance practice in tomorrow.

I had a great time at the Irish fair last weekend; I bought a wooden sword that looks like Anduril, since my mother still won't let me get a real sword on the grounds that there are too many little kids in this house. It's a simple thing, but I mean to sand it and paint it and stuff to make it look really good. I also got really sunburned because I was busy putting sunscreen on little siblings and so forgot to get my own shoulders . . . they're peeling, and it's really irritating me so I'm trying to ignore it.

Nothing else much of note has happened lately. I went to a used bookshop today and nearly bought the first 3 Aubrey-Maturin novels, but that's a slippery slope considering how many of them there are, so I didn't buy them after all. My two-year-old sister was talking a bit about Mario from the Nintendo games (my younger brothers are obsessed with those games and she likes to watch), and she told me quite seriously that "Mario is the bluest boy in this angry world." It almost sounds deep, but I don't know what she meant. You can puzzle over that until next post :)

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