Thursday, April 21, 2011

My life's shifting again . . .

On Monday I begin registering for my Fall classes, and as simply as that I am back in the university-going game. It's been a long time, and my life feels somewhat surreal at the moment: I devote my time to my writing and my family and my dance right now, and yet begin to feel subconsciously the pull of Hawaii and the duties of academia that await me there. There is a great pall of impermanence over everything I do at the moment, which is somewhat disheartening. I hate feeling the sand slipping under my feet.

Another event which has reminded me of how fragile things are is the sad news of the passing of Elisabeth Sladen, our Whovians' own Sarah Jane Smith. The character she played (along with Donna Noble and Tegan Jovanka) was my favorite female Doctor Who companion. The fact that her death comes so soon after that of Nicholas Courtney a.k.a. The Brigadier (who was, along with Jamie McCrimmon, Harry Sullivan, and Rory Williams my favorite male DW companion) just compounds the tragedy. If you haven't watched any episodes with these two, do so as soon as possible, you don't know what you're missing.

On the subject of Doctor Who, is anyone else excited about the new series beginning tomorrow? Well, okay, I know that there are many, many excited people out there, but HOW excited are you? I am absolutely bursting. I'm also very proud that I've managed to keep away from spoilers all this time--no mean feat for me, alas. There's some fish fingers in the fridge; I should make custard tomorrow and take video of me giving the combo a go, that'd be a laugh!

I've probably read over 2,000 pages this month already, which is fantastic. I'll have lots of books to talk about in my next Book Review post. Speaking of which, I'm open to suggestions on what to post about in this blog, since I'm usually either too busy or too lazy to come up with interesting topics on my own (yes, I'm a woman of extremes). A monthly writing update? More in-depth book reviews, perhaps a post for each book (I can always delve deeper when discussing the written word)? More artwork? Television or film discussions? Random day-in-my-life posts? Let me know in the comments!

Well, I'd best be getting to bed now. Tomorrow I have to get up early--maybe make that custard--clean up a bit--dance--maybe run, if this dratted cough will let me--paint--write--and read some more. Good Friday is always very quiet, a time for staying at home with family, for busying oneself with good works, and for a little bit of private contemplation. Then comes Holy Saturday--I've promised my younger sister I'll help her make a cake for Easter, or rather supervise as she attempts to bake one for the very first time, and then of course there's Doctor Who! And then comes wonderful Easter, a holiday I have not celebrated at home with my family for two years now.

. . . And first thing in the morning on Monday is my class registration. See what a jumble of the future and the present my life is contorting itself into at the moment? I need a TARDIS.

PS: I am currently again obsessed with the amazingness that is Jamie McCrimmon. Thanks for that, Linden :D


  1. Hi there! Long time, no comment, so I decided to offer my two cents and say hi!

    I love all of your blog posts - I DO miss seeing them all the time. ;) I think you should review this season of Doctor Who as it airs, let us know what you think about every episode!

    But I'd like to hear more about your writing! And more excepts would be AWESOME. ;)

    I'm working on a story right now about one of my favorite characters that has a really AWFUL life, and I started out from when he was a little boy. Sometimes it reminds me of Dickens. I thought you might appreciate that. ;)

  2. Okay, I say post about all you mentioned! I know, I know, I need to post more myself... but honestly, if I felt I wasn't alone in it, I'd be a lot more regular, I think. :)

    I love anything Who, so go for more Who if nothing else. And YAY for Jamie! <3

    I'll be praying for you and schooling, I know what that's like... I'm going through much the same.


Penny for your thoughts?