Sunday, April 24, 2011


I had my hair trimmed for the first time in three years today. I'm in mourning. My hair seems absurdly short now, though it's still past my waist--it was nearly to my knees before, but the ends were getting really ugly and dead. Now my goal is to get it to that length while still keeping the ends as healthy as possible. It still hurts though. I'm kind of proud of my long hair. I remember reading in Gregory of Tours' History of the Franks about how there were a few Frankish noblemen who chose death rather than have their hair cut, and I'm kind of sympathizing with them right now.

Luckily my hair grows quickly, so hopefully it'll be nice and long again soon. My mother just rolls her eyes and says only I could feel that waist-length hair was hideously short.

1 comment:

  1. My dear lady, I completely sympathize. When I had to cut off my hair over a year ago, I cried. I miss my way-below the waist hair of a few years ago, and remember when I cut it to my waist, feeling like it was way too short.
    It'll grow. Mine's being slow about it, only about six inches a year, which is a side-effect of my medications, but I'm sure you'll be fine. :)


Penny for your thoughts?