Saturday, April 23, 2011

Heads Up, Whovians!

I'm going to try to publish reviews of this series' episodes (that's Doctor Who, Series 6, starting today if you didn't know, look it up on BBC America if you have the channel) as they're aired. As I've never really done anything like this before, this is going to be a little adventure, but that's good! I'm still kind of figuring out how this is going to go, but if you are interested, read on. Here's a few pointers on how this reviewing business is going to be run.

1. My reviews will be spoilery. There's no real point in reviewing an episode if I'm not allowed to discuss the details of said episode, right? Therefore you probably shouldn't check out my reviews unless you have already watched the episodes. Unless you really want to.

2. Pictures? It's always fun to read reviews with screencaps, isn't it? I'm toying with the idea of including relevant photographs in each review. It'd be a bit more complicated and more work for me, but it also might be more fun. If you have a preference, let me know!

3. My review; my thoughts only. I'll write my reviews before reading anyone else's, because otherwise I'd probably be tempted to explore other people's ideas and what they took from the episode instead of just my reaction. My reviews will be my honest first reaction to what I just watched, so if that means I miss something obvious that all other reviewers on the internet noticed then I'll just be honestly ignorant . . . we can all laugh about it later XD

4. Classic Who, New Who, it's all just Doctor Who. I am a fan of the show as a whole, and so I don't really differentiate between the old episodes and the new episodes; they're all a part of the same canon and I have favorites all over the place. So I'm not going to restrict my digressions to just New Who episodes; I might mention things from Classic Who if parts of the new episodes remind me of something, like Eleven's adorable Troughton handrubbing in 'Victory of the Daleks'. If you haven't seen any Classic Who, you should, but I don't think my occasional references will be too confusing :)

5. Talk back! Feel free to argue with what I say/geek out/list your favorite quotes of the episode/ask for clarification/correct my mistakes/etc. in the comments! I'm going to be doing this for fun, but also because I love Doctor Who, and I know some of you who read my blog love the show as well. Let's all have fun together!

And with all that said, I am not sure what the posting schedule will be yet--maybe every Sunday, maybe every Monday--but I will be doing by best to keep the schedule regular. My first review, for "The Impossible Astronaut", will be up soon.

(PS: Happy Easter, everyone!!)


  1. *geeks out*
    Awesome idea. I can't wait to read... and geek out more...
    I'm in love with The Nose. :)

  2. Absolutely thrilled! This is great! Can't wait for your reviews!


Penny for your thoughts?