Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"What Kate Does"

No Desmond? No Richard? No Ben? No resurrected Faraday?

I'm so disappointed.

. . . Well, it wasn't bad really, just I'm not a Kate fan. Miles is starting to grow on me this season, though. And I'm really liking Japanese man. Not just because he was in "Sunshine", either. Nice to see some old long-gone characters again. I just was not as interested in them as I could have been, because I was busy hoping one of my favorite characters would show up. Sigh.

And I've finished my art homework/portfolio! Yay! And I finished "Strongbow" while on the exercise bike at the school gym earlier; it was ultimately nothing special, because although it had a good opening and some nice stylistic bits, it didn't really bring life to the story it was telling. I felt like I was just getting the bare bones of what could have been a very engrossing story. It's a very short book, and I think it would have been much better if the author had been patient and allowed it to be longer. Oh, well. I'm moving on to a new Bradbury book now.


  1. Lol. Actually I like Kate - but I enjoyed the bits with Sayid and Kate's alternate reality flashes more than her actual narrative. Still...I'll be glad when we get some Desmond, Ben or Faraday.
    Or Richard.
    I'm curious about Sawyer - he's my favorite, and I feel pretty sorry for him right now, but I'm waiting for his optimistic self to come back. Prolly won't happen until the alternate reality flash.
    Bradbury? Which one? I've read....oh, I guess I've only read two of his books (Fahrenheit 451 and Martian Chronicles) but I really liked both of them.

  2. Yeah, the whole thing with Sayid is messing with my mind right now, ha. I will concede that Sawyer was excellent in this ep, and the scene on the dock was really sad.

    I love Martian Chronicles! Um, I forget what the book itself is called, because it's a collection of two short stories. I think the first story is called 'Somewhere a Band is Playing', or something like that, and then the second one is called 'Leviathan ?'--The '?' standing in for a number I've forgotten. Good so far. You should read 'Dandelion Wine' and 'R is for Rocket' or 'The Illustrated Man' too, they're excellent as well. Though 'Illustrated Man' scares me, haha.

  3. I've been extremely curious about The Illustrated Man! Urgh, so many books to read...I'm toying with the idea of actually being diligent and fixing myself a delightful schedule in which I read every day. I'm just a lazy bum. But I need to do that.

    Yeah...only sixteen minutes until it comes on again! Can't wait to see what happens with Sawyer and Sayid and the alternate reality flashes...

  4. Haha, I try to make reading schedules for myself, but it never works. That's why I've read the beginning of 'Romeo and Juliet' four times without finishing it, and over Christmas break read ten Rosemary Sutcliff novels in a week. I'm a whimsical sort of reader :D

    I just realized after reading your comment that you're ahead of me in the time zones, so you get to watch episodes hours before I do. Sometimes it isn't so good to be in Hawaii, ha. Time zone messiness, and the fact that limited release films never make it out here. I'm hoping "The Secret of Kells" does, though.

  5. Haha! Time Zones always confuse me. Sometimes its hard when I'm visiting relatives in another state to go see movies....


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