I did finish 'Anne of Ingleside', and it was rather sweet. I somehow skipped it when I read the Anne series, I don't know how! So it was also sad, since I knew already what happens later in 'Rilla of Ingleside' . . . I do dearly love Walter. Oh well.
Yesterday I wrote much more of the 'Nighthawk' story, which I hope you enjoy when I post. I'm planning to post one new part every week, so sometime this week you'll get the next one . . . and I believe it's illustrated . . .
Also yesterday I watched 'Doctor Who', which was brilliant. I've seen some of the old episodes before (top-right Doctor. Very cool guy, not the least because he likes jelly babies. Ever had a jelly baby before? They're delish), but not the current ones; apparently it was my good fortune to start watching just as a new season started up. Anyway, it was really good, and quite funny. My dad has always liked 'Doctor Who', so I guess this is just another personality trait I inherit from him--along with my liking of writing, reading, drawing, telling stories, Great Britain, the Muppets, frisbee, British humor, and spicy foods.
I'm on the verge of reading Anne of the Island....
ReplyDeleteIs the Bartameus Trilogy good? I noticed it on your shelfari. Aren't those things fun? I like them. Perelandra is awesome. Amazing piece of work by Lewis...one of my favorites by him. :D
Perelandra is my favorite, apart from a few of the Narnia series, of course!
ReplyDeleteAnd the Bartimaeus Trilogy is very good. I think it blows Harry Potter to pieces in a comparison; it's fantastic. Definitely one of the best modern fantasy series.
And Shelfari is awesome. They even have all the strange and obscure books that I read (well, most of them). Very nice :)
sorry, Bartimaeus. I misspelled it. :D
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check into it. It looks really interesting...isn't there a genie in it?
I love Narnia!
Doctor Who is good, but I do love Monty Python much more. No, I have never had a jelly-baby. I somehow feel that I have missed out on something.
ReplyDeleteOh, and never forget, Ultimate Frisbee is best. And I'm eagerly awaiting the Nighthawk!