Friday, August 26, 2011

I took a walk to the library today

. . . and these are the books I borrowed:

Civil War: Frontlines
Civil War: War Crimes
Civil War: Fantastic Four
Civil War: Iron Man
Civil War: Captain America
The Sable Queen, by Brian Jacques
Assassin's Apprentice, by Robin Hobb
Shadow and Claw, by Gene Wolfe
The Road, by Cormac McCarthy
The King of Attolia, by Megan Whalen Turner
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, by Suzanna Clarke

I managed to carry them the entire walk back to the apartment, too. Ha!

I also discovered a little ice cream parlor close to my university and tried some cantaloupe ice cream there, yum. And forced myself to sleep in for once. Tomorrow I head back to school again, and then that's my first week back completed! I'll write more later to bring you all up to date, as I know I haven't written in a while, but for now just know that I'm up to my eyeballs in good books to read and school books to read, have been exercising a lot, and am pretty well pleased with how my first week back in HI has gone.

(And I'll try to post my book reviews for July this weekend.)


  1. Oh! I LOVE The Road! That's an excellent book. And I did go to see Captain America! I thought it was fantastic. I even went and got t-shirts.

    And! I think I told you in a reply to one of your comments on my blog that I'd love to join the Radish Room, but I realized that you might not see it over there! So here you are. ;) My e-mail is annahedges at gmail dot com. I'm looking forward to reading your book reviews again!!!!

  2. Finally answering your comment: I read The Road in a single school day, inbetween classes, I was utterly spellbound. It was an amazing book, I totally agree with you. And I have a Captain America tshirt too, haha!

    I hope to see you around the Radish Room sometime soon, particularly as it'll probably be getting a bit more busy now that NaNoWriMo is about to kick in :)

  3. Yes! I'm so sorry I haven't blogged or anything yet! I keep meaning to introduce myself. I promise, I will soon! Thank you so much for inviting me. I'm excited about reading all the new Nano things!


Penny for your thoughts?