Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just watched 'The Constant' with my brother. He'd never seen it before, and I've seen it many times because it's one of my favorite episodes of television or even moving picture in general ever, and I still got all emotional and happy at the end. It's so cool to watch the scene with Faraday and Desmond in the hallway at 'Oxford' and know that I stood right there while in Hawaii, hehe. Anyway . . .

Newest baby in the family has been born! She's healthy and cute, so everything's going well. I'm holding down the fort at home right now with more or less success while mummy and baby recover and my dad stays at hospital with them. Tomorrow will be a major cleaning day.

1 comment:

  1. The Constant is a great episode! I haven't seen it in a long time. (Decides she should see it soon...)

    And that's so exciting! My sister-n-law is about to have another baby. :) I'm very excited.


Penny for your thoughts?