Monday, June 1, 2009

My Quest: 30 Days to Get In Shape

Now that I am recovering from my staph infection--or, at least, I believe I am recovering--I can move around again and exercise again. Which is good, because the Irish Dance National Championships is in one month, and I am as of yet nowhere near fit enough to be in competitive form. I am capable of really working out only once a week in Hawaii due to limited space, and then for the last two weeks of the semester I did not exercise at all, due to studying for final exams. Also, this infection kept me immobile in bed for two weeks, so altogether, I have not had much exercise at all for four weeks.

When preparing for a National Championship, this is BAD.

Right now, however, I feel blessed simply because I have the possibility of competing at all now; at first the doctors were telling me I might need surgery and therefore Nationals was entirely out of the question.

So I must get in shape, and quickly. Hence the title of this post. I am beginning my quest: to get in shape in thirty days. I'll let you know if it is possible. I believe that it is, if I work very hard. It's doubly difficult because the infection has really drained me, so that I'm exhausted all the time (as in, 'I sleep in until two in the afternoon' exhausted), but I'm struggling forward. Today, June 1, I am going to declare the official day 1.

Today I practiced my dancing for about an hour, but it was a light practice. I need to push myself harder. I also just returned from a night-time run of about . . . oh, forty minutes. I am the world's worst runner, but it is a good way of building endurance and strength quickly. My legs will be very sore tomorrow. In fact, they are already sore. I need to stretch.

Wish me luck! I'll update periodically here, letting you know how I'm doing. It'll help keep me on track.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I was questing for the exact same thing. Personal fitness is in fact one of the finest quests that one may choose to pursue. You see, I am trying to see if by the end of the summer I can train myself to run a 9 minute and some mile and a half for ROTC next semester. I am also trying to get my sister in shape because she is quite frankly one of the laziest people I know. Good luck right? Lol I will drag her kicking and screaming if I have to. I would hate to outlive my little sis. :P She said she would run with me anyway though so I should not have to worry about that. :)

    Anyways I wish you luck and I’ll tell you what. If you can outrun me by the time we come back (in endurance) I will ummm, I don’t know really, but I will do something awesome for you. Maybe I will call sometime to set up the deal. ;)

    P.S. Competition fuels productivity [AKA people respond to incentives (econ class)]!!! Do not fear this minor challenge it will be good for the both of us anyway.


Penny for your thoughts?