Friday, June 12, 2009

3 Cheers for Randomness and Reading!

I finally woke up before nine in the morning today. Isn't that wonderful? And the day just got better from there. A little bit of everything: family, cleaning, playing, books, silliness, writing, rats, film, the great outdoors . . .

My writer's block is finally clearing. I am writing again! So look for a new installment of 'The Sons of Cwendor' to be posted here sometime this weekend! The issue that's been bugging me is getting ironed out, so it's moving fairly smoothly now. Not the swift, dreamlike smoothly that I like best, but a steady sort that does what I want, instead of doing things of its own that I have to catch up to later. The writing kept me locked in my room for two hours after I woke up, so some people (namely, my brother oldest brother) refused to believe I wasn't asleep all that time. But I was awake, and now it's in print, which makes it true, right? 

After a late breakfast of toast--it's still strange to me how much I am craving toast after being in Hawaii, as I never really craved it before--and sliced apple which I ended up feeding most of to my cute little toddling siblings (who have an uncanny sixth sense when it comes to sensing that I have food to share), I determined to take all the sibs outside to a square of grass behind our house. Living in suburbia limits one's contact with trees and green things outdoors, but fortunately we live in a pretty quiet neighborhood, and the grass behind our house, though not extremely large, is large enough for a few tall trees and gentle hills, which we roll down. Yep, I still roll down grassy hills.

So we trooped out there and began a game of Peter Pan, as my youngest brother is currently obsessed with Pan. I was Captain Hook, since I had the long hair and was wearing a huge coat, and my second brother kindly found me a curled leaf to use as a hook. There were a few difficulties due to Elhendur preferring to use is Pan powers to fly instead of save Wendy, but fortunately (for my Sister No.2, I guess, not for me) he decided at the last moment to swoop in and save her from walking the plank (ie. jumping off the stone bench at one end of the grass), and then Brother No. 2 showed up as the crocodile and I was soundly trounced. In the excitement, everyone forgot about poor Tiger-Lily sitting on a hilltop as the fictional water came in, and I suppose she drowned, so my Hook had at least a little triumph. Sister No. 1 was a little put out, though.

Anyway, eventually Brother No. 1 and I tired of being restricted to only Peter Pan's universe, so we suddenly whirled around, yelled out that we were Ols from 'Deltora Quest', and swiftly dispatched Wendy, Tiger-Lily, and the Ticking Crocodile. Little Elhendur kept his wits about him, however, and decided that if we had entered the realm of Deltora, he was Lief and keeper of the Nectar of Life, with which he swiftly restored our fallen foes. These, upon springing up from the grass, bellowed that they were Jasmine, Barda, and, um, Wendy again, and charged us, taking us by surprise and felling us. But Elhendur was impartial, and so revived Brother No. 1 and I both, and I decided I had come back as Bigwig from 'Watership Down', and Brother No. 1 was Speedwell. This worked out fine, and I had an amusing time hopping on the grass, until Barda killed me for no reason whatsoever. Whereupon I came back as Feanor and after a brief stick-duel defeated Barda/Brother No. 2. 

And so on. The game became what my brothers later called 'A Literary Mario Bros. Smash Bros.', with each person strategically changing upon death into a character more likely to defeat the other characters, and Elhendur, who created an ingenious cup from bark with a twig for a straw, went about reviving fallen characters who would then regenerate. Brilliant fun and utterly mad. During the course of the game I transformed into Madame Defarge, Robin Hood, Eilonwy, Anne of Green Gables, Frodo, Nathaniel, Bartimaeus, Sherlock Holmes, Watson, Marley's Ghost, Ged, Fflewddur Flam, Radagast the Brown, Farmer Giles of Ham, Farmer Maggot, Amalthea, Achilles, and Cluny the Scourge, among others I have now forgotten. It was great fun impersonating these characters, almost as fun as watching my siblings impersonating theirs.

The best part probably--for me, anyway--was when we ended up engaging in an Encyclopedia Brown vs. Sherlock Holmes fistfight. As Brother No. 1 said happily: 'Now this is something that I've always wanted to see!' Sorry, Brown fans, Holmes won.

When we had all tired ourselves out, we assigned each person a character of the Fellowship of the Ring (yours truly was Aragorn, of course . . .), linked hands according to the order of march in Moria, and trooped off back home while singing 'The Fellowship' theme from the film. There was a bit of trouble when I addressed my mother at our door as 'O Lady Galadriel, we seek refuge in Lothlorien,' because she thought at first I said 'Old Lady Galadriel', but apart from that the whole thing went remarkably well for being so random and mad.

Later in the afternoon I was left at home with the youngest three kids and Brother No. 2, so I put on 'Ratatouille' and we watched that together for the first time in a long time. Elhendur fell asleep, but he had been getting cranky, so just as well. I then led the other kids in a cleaning effort and thereby cleaned the kitchen and dining room, which was fun when all the little ones were pitching in. Now all I have to do is muster what vestiges of my energy are left and go practice my dance, and my day will be complete. Oh, and I'll probably stay up a little late writing. Then it will all have come full circle.

How good it is to be alive, book-crazy, and the eldest of seven children!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Will Make You Brooches

I Will Make You Brooches
by Robert Louis Stevenson

I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
Of bird-song at morning and star-shine at night.
I will make a palace fit for you and me,
Of green days in forests and blue days at sea.

I will make my kitchen, and you shall keep your room,
Where white flows the river and bright blows the broom,
And you shall wash your linen and keep your body white
In rainfall at morning and dewfall at night.

And this shall be for music when no one else is near,
The fine song for singing, the rare song to hear!
That only I remember, and only you admire,
Of the broad road that stretches and the roadside fire.

I found this poem by accident in the bookshop the other day, and fell in love with it so completely that I had to scrawl it on my arm to copy into my notebook later, so as not to forget it. I am still a little surprised, though, that I never read it before. I have read anthologies of Stevenson poetry and enjoyed them, but they were always more children's poems. How come this one was left out? It makes me wonder what other poetry he wrote that I have not read. I will try to find out.

Writing Woes

I attended a two hour long dance practice and ran for twenty minutes today. I'm a little achy. But thank goodness that when I rolled my ankle towards the end of class it wasn't serious, and I'm okay. That could easily have been disastrous--I sort of have this jinx where I usually injure an ankle right before a big competition, so I'm hoping that was it, so now it'll just be smooth sailing.

My sleep schedule has been really messed up, and not helping is the still lingering effects of the infection. I went to sleep at three in the morning last night, woke up at noon, and now it's one in the morning and I'm still awake. Argh. Worst of all, is even when I'm awake, I feel like going back to sleep, and I hate that, because there's so many other things I'd like to be doing but don't feel like I have the energy for.

Like writing! I was desperate all semester to get time to write, and now that I have all the time in the world, I am having the most terrifically bad time getting words on paper . . . or, er, word processing document. I just sit here staring at the screen, tap out a few words, and can't figure out what I want to say, or, rather, how I want to say it. Writer's block is maddening in all its forms, but especially now. And especially because my father is constantly hinting and asking about how my writing is coming along; he wants me to finish up and start getting published already. It is nice to have someone who believes in you, but it's also stressful. Particularly when the words for the stories just aren't coming.

Oh well, I will keep slogging away and perhaps my muse will return. I have written a lot more in Linden's birthday story, yes I have, but there's a key scene that I need to write to connect the written parts with the current published parts, and that scene is giving me a lot of trouble. Until it is written, I can't post all the other pages I've written, which is just adding to the pressure. But I am not slacking and have not forgotten the story! I am just working hard on one scene it needs before it is posted. And I think I need to (alas!) trim dialogue.

So, back to work! Or, to bed. I have not yet decided which course to take.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Quest: 30 Days to Get In Shape

Now that I am recovering from my staph infection--or, at least, I believe I am recovering--I can move around again and exercise again. Which is good, because the Irish Dance National Championships is in one month, and I am as of yet nowhere near fit enough to be in competitive form. I am capable of really working out only once a week in Hawaii due to limited space, and then for the last two weeks of the semester I did not exercise at all, due to studying for final exams. Also, this infection kept me immobile in bed for two weeks, so altogether, I have not had much exercise at all for four weeks.

When preparing for a National Championship, this is BAD.

Right now, however, I feel blessed simply because I have the possibility of competing at all now; at first the doctors were telling me I might need surgery and therefore Nationals was entirely out of the question.

So I must get in shape, and quickly. Hence the title of this post. I am beginning my quest: to get in shape in thirty days. I'll let you know if it is possible. I believe that it is, if I work very hard. It's doubly difficult because the infection has really drained me, so that I'm exhausted all the time (as in, 'I sleep in until two in the afternoon' exhausted), but I'm struggling forward. Today, June 1, I am going to declare the official day 1.

Today I practiced my dancing for about an hour, but it was a light practice. I need to push myself harder. I also just returned from a night-time run of about . . . oh, forty minutes. I am the world's worst runner, but it is a good way of building endurance and strength quickly. My legs will be very sore tomorrow. In fact, they are already sore. I need to stretch.

Wish me luck! I'll update periodically here, letting you know how I'm doing. It'll help keep me on track.