Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Star Spangled Maaaaan!

I finally got to watch "Captain America: The First Avenger" a few days ago! It was one of my most anticipated films of the year and I am pleased to report that I loved it. Anglophile that I am, I finished the film proud to be American, haha. I generally only am proud of my American-ness when reading about our nation's history up to the Great Depression, so this is something of a feat. Chris Evans is just as good in the title role as I had hoped he would be, and remains sympathetic and lovable during the entire film without being weak. The humor was great. The WWII trappings and trimmings were fantastic. The love story was sweet and tragic so . . . as anyone who knows me can attest, that means it was exactly to my liking. And I have that brilliantly horrendous "Star Spangled Man" song stuck in my head all these days later!

If you're on the fence about seeing it, I recommend you take the plunge. It's a great movie. Oh, and it has a trailer for "The Avengers" hidden after its credits, which was wonderful as well! ^_^

My remaining 'high-anticipation' films of the year: "War Horse" and "The Artist".

Less than a month until I am back in Hawaii, now. It doesn't seem real yet. But the homesick ache I get whenever I try to think about it is definitely real.


  1. Oooh! I was definitely on the fence about seeing it. Now I'll try to go! That's exciting! I didn't realize it took place during World War II, which is one of my favorite periods of history (even though it's really sad.) Thanks for the review!!!

  2. Hullo Miss Mythopoeia!

    This is encouraging to hear. I sincerely wondered whether Hollywood could still produce a film that actually celebrates America and her heroes rather than denigrating them.

    Wonderful blog, by the way. I commend you on selecting my very favorite verse from Mythopoeia.

    I've actually just finished writing a novel, which has what I think is distinctly Tolkieinan flair. Hopefully, this does not entirely overshadow its own unique aspect, but in any event, I would be very interested to hear what a reader of your tastes and a writer of your talents might think.

    The book is entitled, When Grief Gives Way to Glory, and I style it as a modern-day fairytale for all who wish to change and become like little children. If you would be interested in taking a look, you can find my e-mail address linked to my blogger profile.

    If so, just let me know. I would be most grateful!

    Kind Regards,



Penny for your thoughts?